A Timely Gift
Marshall received a surprise in the mail from my Aunt Rebecca in Calgary. She had a friend in Hong Kong send some beginner chopsticks for Marshall to use. According to my aunt, she thought of Marshall when she saw a photo of him with a chopstick in one hand and a fork in the other. Why not teach him how to use the real deal? This is perfect timing considering Chinese New Year is coming up.
The pair on the left looks like traditional ivory chopsticks. The one on the right is an Edison version (!). Who knew they made beginner chopsticks with the Thomas theme?! I wish they had things like this when we were kids. I’m going to sound old but we had to learn how to use these the hard way.
Marshall inspecting the packages. He really wanted to open them and use them right away.
Practicing with Daddy. Marc showed him how to put his fingers in the loops and he quickly caught on.
Gearing up to pick up his banana slice.
He probably went through half of a banana’s worth of slices after he got the first one in his mouth. “More..amana!”.
Thanks Aunt Rebecca!