April 4, 2007

Baking Lesson

Filed under: — Olga @ 10:18 pm

I had a craving for red bean buns this weekend. Tempting as it was to drive up to the Ranch (99 that is) and buy a few, I decided I should make my own. I like Chinese sweet buns but I’m not crazy about the processed white flour and preservatives that are probably in the buns. I hauled out the bread machine and made a 50% whole wheat sweet bread dough for the buns. I used a can of sweetened red bean paste for the filling and the rest was easy. I was trying to bake and Marshall was not feeling quite like himself: screeching a lot, wanting to be held a lot (potential new cold/cough).

dsc_5745_blog.jpg I got a step ladder out and he stood at counter height so that he could watch me make the dough – that made him quite content.  After the machine finished making the dough I rolled it out, put the filling in each piece and let them rise.

dsc_5749_blog.jpg A quick bake later, we had home made red bean buns. Not bad for a first attempt. Marshall found them to be delicious and promptly put away half of one as soon as he got his hands on it.

dsc_5758_blog.jpg   Marc gave him one for breakfast the next morning too.  Lucky kid.  I don’t ever recall having something this good for breakfast.  He quickly ate the filling and slowly finished the rest of the bun.

Verdict:  I’ll keep the dough recipe but nix the canned filling.  I’d rather make my own with less sugar.   Perhaps if I make Taro filled buns Ora may fly out just for the occasion!

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