May 16, 2007

At Super Anne’s House

Filed under: — Olga @ 10:02 pm

Super Anne. That’s what Ora called Anne as we left her house after a great visit.

I’ve known Anne since I was a first year Medical Laboratory Science student in University at the U of A (Alberta, not Alabama). I worked with her at the tissue typing lab at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas. In Dallas we used to go clothes shopping, out to the bars and after that we would go have breakfast at 4AM. Notice that I’m speaking in the past tense.

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Fast forward 18(!!!) years. We are now moms to two rambunctious boys. Bedtime for us is now 9:30 PM. She is now mom to 3.5 year old Kieran, and just had a baby girl, Madeleine, five weeks ago. BTW, the photo session above lasted all of five seconds, as Kieran and Marshall squirmed off our laps at precisely the same time.

Ora, Marshall and I dropped in to pay her a visit and she managed to entertain us, carry on several conversations, manage a very hungry toddler’s near-meltdown, feed the baby, make and serve us all a home-cooked (from scratch, no boxed or instant stuff here) meal, INCLUDING gingersnap cookies that her and Kieran made together.  That’s quite a feat even for some child-less people that I know.

dsc_6290_blog.jpg Kieran and Marshall played with trucks, tractors, anything that had wheels.  Kieran kindly shared his 100+ collection of Hot Wheels cars.  As we were leaving Anne gave Marshall a starter box of five Hot Wheels.  Anne’s Tip: Buy one as you go into the grocery store, it keeps them occupied (how else do you think Kieran ended up with all those cars?). 

dsc_6307_blog.jpg  Marshall loved his gift so much that he fell asleep clutching the box of cars.  You rock, Anne!

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