September 3, 2007

Berry Season – Salal Berries

Filed under: — Olga @ 10:54 pm

I’m a few weeks behind on posts as these photos were taken last weekend. I was pulling out an aggressive Vinca major that had engulfed the east side of our yard and spotted the Salal berries dangling from the branches. Salal is a coastal native plant that is found from California all the way up to Alaska. The Native Americans used it as a food source but nowadays you are most likely to see the leafy stems in the flower bouquets at the market. It is harvested here and shipped all over the world and used as floral filler. The bushes have white flowers in June/July and they turn to berries by August. Knowing that this was an edible berry, I gave Marshall the ok to eat the berries. What I didn’t realize that he would end up stripping all of the berries off the plants in a matter of 30 minutes.

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