July 7, 2008

Apron for the Chef

Filed under: — Olga @ 8:41 pm

Unless you’ve been looking for a boy’s apron for the last three months you will not appreciate how difficult it is to find a toddler-sized boy’s apron. Note to any entrepreneurial person with sewing skills: There is a real void in this market! Most toddler aprons are 99% pink, girly and frilly. What about the boys who need an apron? I can imagine some cute unisex or boy aprons with cars, or a cowboy theme – anything but frills and pink.

So I happened to be at the Ballard Farmer’s Market on Sunday and went into Clover for the hundredth time. I’ve been in that store so many times but this time I was determined to unearth a real boy apron from the depths of the store. 10 minutes and 20 feet into the store later I found one – a real cute one with sock monkeys all over it. It had nice details such as an adjustable neck tie with metal ring (surprisingly hard to find), easy to clean soft oilcloth material that was cute, and a pocket for holding STUFF. Details are important!  Made by a Portland based company called MonkeyDoodle. I was so elated that I didn’t care that it was $23 for a small piece of oil cloth with monkeys on it – I was buying it because it wasn’t pink and frilly.

And here’s my little man with his new sock monkey apron. Now I’m ready to sign him up for some cooking classes at PCC!

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